Kasia Turajczyk - Introduction


My name is Kasia B. Turajczyk. I am a painter (artist-painter), a writer and a poet. 

I began drawing and painting as a child and it became a part of my everyday life. I have always been the artistic type, the one who was eccentric, different, not the ‘normal’ one. From an early age I was a rebel, I had problems with understanding humans and their actions. That was probably why I escaped into the Fantasy World. These days I am more relaxed and reconciled with the humans and their world. I don't always like what I see and I still think that humans are very weird creatures. But I have my own world in my brain and in my soul. It keeps me going.

This would be my second art-blog. The first one, the old one, has been hacked and totally destroyed. Why? I don't have any clue. Why somebody wanted to hacked an artblog, with handful readers a month. It is a mystery to me and tragedy for all my efforts and writing.

Blogger is very difficult to hacked, I sincere hope so!

Here is the address to my old blog: http://blog.kasiaturajczyk.com

Collection of paintings from Return of Peter Pan Series


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