The Loony Bin Of Life

My devotion to Pinocchio is not a secret. I have always loved the character from the book by Carlo Collodi. I loved Disney's Pinocchio, I love the Russian Pinocchio, and I love my two Pinocchio toys. They have travelled with me around the world; they are ancient and wise. Made in Russia, they came from Russia to me. They are old, probably 50 and 45 years old. They are ageing. One of them has lost his hair and, unfortunately, his nose. Since I was introduced to Pinocchio's character, I have always been painting and drawing this wonderful marionette. Pinocchio willy-nilly was becoming a hero of my work. My first portrait of Pinocchio was an oil on canvas, very expressionistic, with fat, large strokes of brush paint. It is a dark painting. The next was lighter, brighter, finer, with the spell of impressionistic touch. The series Return of Peter Pan also has a Pinocchio theme. Two brothers sitting close to each other and talking. A few years ago, I made another painting with Pinocc...